1-613-233-0008 [email protected]

In January 2021, Gary was residing with his ex-partner Natasha, who was pregnant by her new partner Drew. One early morning, Natasha was in bed adjusting a walking boot on her leg, when Gary entered and exposed himself. When confronted, Gary pushed Natasha back on the bed, pulled down her pants, penetrated her and eventually ejaculated. A few minutes later, Gary left the residence, taking Natasha’s purse with him.

After 9:30am, Drew went searching for Gary. After finding Gary, Drew demanded the return of Natasha’s purse. An altercation ensued with threats being made, during which 911 was called. Gary followed in his vehicle as Drew and Natasha attempted to drive to the nearest OPP detachment.

After a police investigation of events, Gary was eventually charged with sexual assault, spousal assault, dangerous operation of a vehicle, theft, uttering threats, and criminal harassment (threatening conduct).

Result: After a period of discussions with the Crown, the charges were resolved on a peace bond.

Contact us:
Phone 613.233.0008
Email [email protected]