In the early morning of July 3, 2022, Sgt. Muniz was patrolling the area of Terry Fox Drive and Highway 417 when he observed a vehicle with a loud and distinctive exhaust, driving in excess of 120km/h in a 60km/h zone. The vehicle was also observed changing lanes quickly and without warning, barely avoiding a collision with a truck. Sgt. Muniz activated his emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop, but the vehicle instead accelerated away. Pursuit was terminated when speeds approached 180km/h. Many officers were notified of the vehicle and other officers engaged in pursuit. The officers attempted by committee to maintain contact with the vehicle but there were times when sight was lost.
A short time later, the vehicle was located, with Larry crouching in the driver seat, attempting to avoid detection. During the arrest, Larry attempted to resist the application of hand restraints. The odors of alcohol and burnt cannabis were detected, and Larry was observed to have red and bloodshot eyes. Larry was injured during the arrest.
Larry was subsequently charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, operation while impaired – alcohol and drugs, and flight from a peace officer.
Result: After much discussion about the continuity of whether they even had the right car, and the injuries suffered, the Crown were unwilling to simply withdraw the charges or allow him to plead guilty to the dangerous operation count (that had no minimum sentence). The client chose to plead guilty but had to accept a criminal record and 12 month driving prohibition. Because the charge was impairment by drug, Larry will not be able to shorten the driving prohibition with an interlock machine installed in his car.
He received a $3,000 fine, criminal record. 12 month driving prohibition.
If you have been charged with an offence and would like to speak to a lawyer about your rights, the Armoured Suits offer a free 30-minute phone consultation to answer all your questions. Contact us by phone at 613-233-0008 or e-mail at [email protected] to schedule your meeting.