Have You Or A Loved One Been Charged With Assault?
Assault Charges: What You Need To Know
Remember, the first thing to do if you think you might be charged with assault is find an affordable lawyer to advise you. Armoured Suits offers a half hour consultation free of charge, and our transparent billing makes us a great choice. Get in touch now.
What Is The Definition of Assault?
In Canada, assault is defined as:
- Applying force directly or indirectly to another person — think punching or slapping someone
- Threatening to apply force to another person with the ability or the appearance of the ability to do so — telling someone you’re going to beat them up in a way that makes it clear you aren’t joking
- Accosting or impeding another person while openly wearing or carrying a weapon — stopping someone from walking down a street while having a knife hanging from your belt.
These definitions are pretty broad. There are different types of assault and different ways you can defend against it in court. To find out more, take a look at our other detailed pages, including domestic and sexual charges.
If found guilty, a charge of assault can lead to jail time. It’s important to make sure you are aware of how assault is tried in Canada, and what the consequences can be. And remember, if you need a lawyer we offer a free, no strings attached 3 minute phone consultation. Just fill out the form here or call us at 613-233-0008.
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