1-613-233-0008 [email protected]

In January 2022, Jared became subject to a probation order, with a condition to not operate a vehicle unless it was equipped with a functioning interlock device. In early March 2022, police initiated a questionable traffic stop of a vehicle where the driver was suspected of being impaired. The driver of that vehicle, Jared, was found to not be impaired, but was found to be breaching his probation order, as the vehicle he was driving lacked the interlock device. He was subsequently charged with breach of probation and served a summons to appear in POA court.

Result: Jared completed community service hours and the Crown withdrew the breach of probation charge.

If you have been charged with an offence and would like to speak to a lawyer about your rights, the Armoured Suits offer a free 30-minute phone consultation to answer all your questions. Contact us by phone at 613-233-0008 or e-mail at [email protected] to schedule your meeting.