1-613-233-0008 [email protected]

On May 25th, Cst. Cunningham was working general patrol when he observed a vehicle driving at what he estimated to be 100km/h in a 60km/h zone. Upon turning on his front radar, the vehicle was confirmed to driving at a speed of 105km/h. A traffic stop was performed, and the driver was confirmed as Samantha Harris via a driver’s licence, which was seized on scene and the vehicle impounded for 14 days. Samantha was charged with Operate motor vehicle race/stunt/wager.

Result: Samantha is a working professional in the film industry and had unusually long and exhausting hours that day. She was looking at a fine in the range of $2,000-$10,000 along with a mandatory one year suspension of her driving license. Samantha had no prior record and regretted her actions. She wanted to retain her ability to drive as it could severely affect her livelihood and career.

We were subsequently able to get the offence reduced to a Speeding offence of 35 above, instead of the original 45 above (stunt) after some persuasion of the Crown.

Samantha pled guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of $245 along with an Online Defensive Driving Course completion mandate and no suspensions.

If you have been charged with an offence and would like to speak to a lawyer about your rights, the Armoured Suits offer a free 30-minute phone consultation to answer all your questions. Contact us by phone at 613-233-0008 or e-mail at [email protected] to schedule your meeting.