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Our most recent post addressed how someone accused of a crime could file a complaint against a police officer. Several people asked us whether it was possible to file a civil suit or to lay a criminal charge against a police officer. As such, we will quickly cover these topics but strongly recommend reaching out the Armoured Suits criminal defence team if you are giving consideration to either of these options.

Civil Lawsuit

Suing a police officer in a civil lawsuit generally involves hiring a lawyer, preparing for a trial and going to court. It is a time consuming process. In the event you do win your case, the judge may order the police officer to pay you damages for any injuries you suffered. Should you choose to proceed with this option, you must start a civil action against the police officer no more than six months from the date the event took place. 

Laying a Criminal Charge

If you believe a police officer has committed a criminal offence, you can lay a criminal charge against said officer. This process would involve meeting with a justice of the peace, swearing an oath that a crime has been committed and detailing the events. In some cases, there may be a time limit imposed on when charges can be laid. When opting to lay a criminal charge against a police officer, it is prudent to work with a lawyer. 

Need Help?

If you are considering taking action against the police, make sure you seek out and retain a good lawyer. 

If you do not have a lawyer, and want to talk to one before taking action against the police, Ottawa’s Armoured Suits Criminal Defence Lawyers offer a free 30-minute private consultation. Contact us by phone at 613-233-0008 or e-mail at [email protected] to schedule your meeting.